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architecture and wilderness

12. Oktober 2024 bis 9. November 2024


CAROLA SCHAPALS Great cinema above the water surface|2024|oil on canvas|100 x 100 cm

In den brandaktuellen Werken von CAROLA SCHAPALS kommt erneut das feinsinnige Farbempfinden und ausgereifte Kompositionstalent der Künstlerin zum Ausdruck. In der ihr ganz eigenen Art und Weise entwickelt CAROLA SCHAPALS aus ihren Reiseeindrücken Bildmotive voller Kontraste. Hier verschmilzt geradlinige Architektur mit urwüchsiger Landschaft, kühle Farben erstrahlen durch gezielt gesetzte Leuchtpunkte in warmem Licht und das menschenleere Bild wird von den Betrachtenden selbst bevölkert. Es ist, als ob die Gemälde von CAROLA SCHAPALS eine imaginäre Aufforderung aussenden: Tritt ein und komm zur Ruhe.

CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Night quiet
CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Place for nature lovers
CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Where the forest spirit lives
CAROLA SCHAPALS 2023 Where the bats are sleeping
romance between art and berlin 201820 oel auf holz
Wo der Wald blüht 2016 H 140 x B 190 cm oil on canvas From the series Nature Nature Nature Kopie
White balance 2017 H 150 x B 150 cm oil on canvas Kopie
When the lights are low 2016 H 150 x B 180 x D 3 cm oil on canvas From the series Nature Nature Nature Kopie
Turn up the quiet 2017 H 150 x B 190 cm oil on canvas Kopie
Surprising offside 2017 H 90 x B 120 x D 45 cm oil on canvas Kopie
Some highlights happen at once 2018 H 140 cm x B 170 cm oil on canvas last Kopie
Sleeping House 2018 H 40 x B 50 cm oil on canvas okkkk Kopie
Sehr schön in Kalifornien 2015 oil on canvas H 120 x B 160 x D 4 cm Kopie
Reflecting Atrium 2017 oil on canvas H 120 x B 160 x D 4 cm Kopie
Long term view 2017 oil on canvas H 150 x B 150 cm Kopie
Keep quiet 2016 H 90 x B 75 x T 1.8 cm Öl auf Leinwand DSC Kopie
House to protect a dream 2018 H 120 x B 160 cm oil on canvas richtig Kopie
Haus am See 2017 H 140 x B 170 cm oil on canvas Kopie
Eyes on a view of transparency 2017 H 70 x B 100 x D 4cm oil on canvas Kopie
Collectors home in atumn 2015 H 120 x B 160 x D 4 oil on canvas Kopie
All that glisters is gold 2 017 H 140 x B 170 cm oil on canvas Kopie
Act of watersides 2016 H 150 x B 200 x D 3.5 cm oil on canvas From the series Nature Nature Nature Kopie
CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Night-quiet
CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Place for nature lovers
CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Where the forest spirit lives
CAROLA SCHAPALS 2023 Where the bats are sleeping
Wo der Wald blüht, 2016, H 140 x B 190 cm, oil on canvas
White balance, 2017, H 150 x B 150 cm, oil on canvas
When the lights are low, 2016, H 150 x B 180 x D 3 cm, oil on canvas
Turn up the quiet , 2017, H 150 x B 190 cm, oil on canvas
Surprising offside, 2017, H 90 x B 120 x D 4,5 cm, oil on canvas
Some highlights happen at once, 2018, H 140 cm x B 170 cm, oil on canvas
Sleeping House, 2018, H 40 x B 50 cm, oil on canvas
Sehr schön in Kalifornien, 2015, oil on canvas, H 120 x B 160 x D 4 cm
Reflecting Atrium, 2017, oil on canvas, H 120 x B 160 x D 4 cm
Long – term view, 2017, oil on canvas, H 150 x B 150 cm
Keep quiet ,2016, H 90 x B 75 x T 1.8 cm, oil on canvas
House to protect a dream , 2018 , H 120 x B 160 cm, oil on canvas
Haus am See, 2017, H 140 x B 170 cm, oil on canvas
Eyes on a view of transparency, 2017, H 70 x B 100 x D 4cm, oil on canvas
Collectors home in atumn, 2015 , H 120 x B 160 x D 4, oil on canvas
All that glisters is gold, 2 017, H 140 x B 170 cm, oil on canvas
Act of watersides, 2016, H 150 x B 200 x D 3.5 cm, oil on canvas
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CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Night-quiet
CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Place for nature lovers
CAROLA .SCHAPALS 2023 Where the forest spirit lives
CAROLA SCHAPALS 2023 Where the bats are sleeping
Wo der Wald blüht, 2016, H 140 x B 190 cm, oil on canvas
White balance,   2017, H 150  x B 150 cm, oil on canvas
When the lights are low, 2016,  H 150 x B 180 x D 3 cm, oil on canvas
Turn up the quiet , 2017, H 150 x B 190 cm, oil on canvas
Surprising offside, 2017,  H 90 x B 120 x D 4,5 cm, oil on canvas
Some highlights happen at once, 2018, H 140 cm x B 170 cm, oil on canvas
Sleeping House,  2018,  H 40  x B 50 cm, oil  on canvas
Sehr schön in Kalifornien, 2015, oil on canvas, H 120 x B 160 x D 4 cm
Reflecting Atrium,  2017, oil on canvas, H 120 x B 160 x D 4 cm
Long - term view, 2017, oil on canvas, H 150 x B 150 cm
Keep quiet ,2016,  H 90 x B 75 x T 1.8 cm, oil on canvas
House to protect a dream , 2018 , H 120 x B 160 cm, oil on canvas
Haus am See, 2017, H 140 x B 170 cm, oil on canvas
Eyes on a view of transparency, 2017, H 70 x  B 100 x D 4cm, oil on canvas
Collectors home in atumn,  2015 , H 120 x B 160 x D 4, oil on canvas
All that glisters is gold, 2 017, H 140 x  B 170 cm, oil on canvas
Act of watersides, 2016, H 150 x B 200 x D 3.5  cm, oil on canvas
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Veröffentlicht in Vorschau GALERIE SCHMALFUSS BERLIN